Thursday, September 20, 2012

Jogjakarta, my short journey

Saturday nite
just cried after got cursed..
I went to Jogjakarta at morning
with this uncertain feeling..
I put the memories went there before, with my accelerated class
then, I got next chance with my organization friends,
come lately, its not my daily habit actually
just because last nite, it happened
sent some messages to my crush who still staying in Jakarta City
then, to  my brother-classmates..
he still be a nice guy one I know
we have some similarities, so until now although we have crush each other, 
doesn't mean that we stop to share :)

short visit to Masjid of Gadjah Mada University
made me stop humming..
saw a good Islamic architecture,
I wonder.. how could this beautiful building exist in this place?
It should be a "must visited place" in this city!

masjid kampus ugm
masjid kampus UGM

to be continued...

Monday, March 5, 2012

Keripik biji durian

bagi Anda para pecinta durian, pasti pernah membuang biji durian berlimpah.
ternyata, benda yg selama ini kita buang bisa dimanfaatkan untuk keperluan lain, terlebih dikonsumsi
sebelum membuangnya, cobalah bereksperimen dengan biji yang satu itu
1. kupas kulit biji durian sehingga tinggal dagingnya
2. potong tipis2 dengan pisau tajam
3. buat bumbu dengan komposisi dasar: garam & bawang putih yang sudah dilumatkan dan dicampur air
4. bila ingin lebih pedas, tambahkan lada, cabe, atau bahan2 lain sebelum digoreng
5. campurkan bumbu dengan biji durian yang terpotong2
6. panaskan minyak
7. goreng sampai kecoklatan
8. tiriskan
so, tidak semua sisa makanan adalah sampah, manfaatkan sebaiknya (y) :)

Friday, January 13, 2012

Thursday, January 5, 2012

about me

assalamualaykum warohmatullahi wabarokaatuh

Hello, this blog is owned by Lathifah Alfat. Third child from four children. A muslimah who wears hijab in daily activities. Lathifah has graduated from Information Technology of Electrical engineering Universitas Diponegoro Semarang.

This blog, first, is made as a multimedia subject task in university. Now, this currently serves various article about beauty, travel, study, and korean drama. This is decribed as "have fun blog" as there is no article contain too much about major or professional activity the writer took. Professional blog about information technology and software engineering will be launched soon.

Mainly, articles are written in Indonesian. Some articles are written in English occasionally.

Please send your question through email address: If it's not a spam, I'll not hesitate to answer.

kelas akselerasi SMA N 3 Semarang 2010
Accelerated class SMA N 3 Semarang 2010
wassalamualaykum warohmatullahi wabarokaatuh