Thursday, November 13, 2014

Pinocchio Korean Drama (Park Shin Hye - Lee Jong Suk)

selamat sore para kdrama lover~
sore ini saya mau membahas drama korea yang lagi bagus-bagusnya dan ditunggu-tunggu.
kenapa ditunggu-tunggu? apalagi kalo bukan karena pemerannya Park Shin Hye yang cantik, dan Lee Jong Suk yang tampan. sebenarnya saya bukan kdrama addict, cuma beberapa yang saya suka. saya juga ga ngefans sama Park Shin Hye, justru saya ga suka aktingnya di The Heirs maupun You're Beautiful. apalagi Lee Jong Suk, first sight lihat dia di Secret Garden bikin saya ngerasa kalo dia terlalu pantas berperan jadi gay *jahat banget*, bukan deng, karena perannya itu saya jadi agak ilfil sama dia. hahaha.. kenapa saya bisa nunggu drama ini? karena saya suka kompleksitas cerita dan lingkungan yang dihadirkan. saya suka drama yang awalnya tidak hanya mementingkan cinta dua orang, namun lebih ke perjuangan hidup dan cinta keluarga. pokoknya saya banget lah

Drama ini menurut rencana sih, akan terdiri dari 20 episode. disiarkan di stasiun TV SBS Korea hari rabu dan kamis jam 21:55 waktu korea. Park Shin Hye dalam drama ini benar-benar jadi batu loncatan menuju puncak setelah keberhasilannya dalam drama The Heirs. ga heran dia dapet best actress dalam SBS Drama Award 2014 kemarin. sedangkan Lee Jong Suk yang sebelumnya telah sukses dalam drama I Can Hear Your Voice mendapatkan come back yang sangat wah karena disandingkan dengan Park Shin Hye. hasilnya, Lee Jong Suk juga membawa pulang Special Award dari SBS. selain itu, keduanya dinobatkan sebagai satu dari empat pasangan terfavorit dalam SBS Drama Award 2014. kurang apalagi coba drama ini?

dimulai dengan alur cerita cukup rumit dimana Ki Ha Myung, diperankan oleh Lee Jong Suk, harus berpisah dengan keluarganya. diceritakan bahwa ayahnya yang seorang pemadam kebakaran mengalami kecelakaan saat bertugas sehingga menghilangkan nyawa anak buahnya. karena tidak ditemukan jasadnya, para reporter membuat opini seolah-olah ayah Ki Ha Myung (Ki Ho Sang) bersalah. Ha Myung dan keluarganya berusaha menjelaskan pada media bahwa ayahnya bukan orang semacam itu. namun pertanyaan reporter (Song Cha Ok) justru menyudutkan sang ayah. karena tidak kuat dengan segala pemberitaan, ibu Ha Myung mengajak Ha Myung bunuh diri di tepi sungai. namun ternyata Ha Myung diselamatkan oleh seorang kakek dari keluarga Choi. Ha Myung pun diadopsi dan hidup sebagai Choi Dal Po. ternyata, kakek itu merupakan kakek dari Choi In ha (Park Shin Hye). In Ha sendiri adalah anak dari Song Cha Ok.

mau tau cerita lengkapnya? tonton aja di link terdekat. ini aku kasih foto-fotonya aja

Poster Pinocchio

poster dari wikipedia

Behind The Poster Pinocchio
behind the poster dari twitter lee jong suk

Behind The Scene Pinocchio
episode pertama dari twitter park shin hye

udah ah bagi-bagi fotonya. siap-siap nunggu episode ke 16 nih~
nb: kalo mau tau twitter dari lee jong suk & park shin hye, komen aja hehe

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Happy Birthday, SMA N 3 Semarang!

Selamat Ulang Tahun SMA N 3 Semarang..
tidak terasa sudah 4 tahun aku meninggalkan sekolah ini.
tanggal 1 November adalah hari jadinya
biasanya, kegiatan di sekolah adalah lomba antar kelas, 
mulai dari futsal, paduan suara, sampai menghias kelas

selain lomba, juga ada DESANOV (Demo Satu November)
demo ini diawali dengan upacara bendera, kemudian pertunjukan dari tiap ekstrakurikuler
seumur hidup, aku tidak pernah ikut upacara Desanov..
karena di SMA N 3 hanya 2 tahun,
tahun pertama, aku mengisi demo PMR (Ganesha Pramodha Branitha Sandini)
tahun kedua aku jadi violis Ensemble (Traumerei Ganesha Ensemble)
violis ini diberi dua acara, Pensaga (Pentas Seni SMA 3) dan Desanov (Demo Satu November)

Horgereburger School.. sekolah semasa zaman penjajahan belanda di Indonesia
kemudian dipecah menjadi satu sekolah lain (SMA N 1 Semarang)
kelas pagi dan siang (A dan B) kemudian menjadi SMA N 3-4 Semarang
kemudian SMA N 4 Semarang berpisah.. namun masih mempertahankan badge ganesha
SMA N 3 Semarang, sampai detik ini masih memakai tanggal berdirinya Horgereburger School
sebagai hari lahirnya

Hogereburger School, Hartelijk gefeliciteerd mat Uw verjaardag!
3' Senior High School, Happy Birthday!
SMA N 3 Semarang, Selamat Ulang Tahun!

~Mars Ganesha~

Seorang Ksatria Ganesha 2008

SMA Negeri 3 Semarang 1
tempat dijemur waktu upacara

SMA Negeri 3 Semarang 2
tempat curhat & nunggu jemputan

SMA Negeri 3 Semarang 3
jalan yang ditutup jam 7-9

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Wisuda Rieza Sarjana Kesehatan Masyarakat Undip

jadi ceritanya, temen saya semasa SMA udah lulus!
dan karena saya orangnya iseng, berhubung lagi ribet juga sama TA, saya bilang kalo ga janji bisa dateng ke wisudaannya dia.

hari berlalu, dan dia udah ngajak di grup kelas buat yang mau dateng ke wisudaannya. karena udah plan gitu, jadi saya ga bales chatnya. hihihi.. tapi.. janjian nih sama temen yang lain buat dateng

hari H wisudaannya, terjadilah hal-hal yang tidak saya harapkan. temen yang udah janjian (dani) ternyata ga ngontak! lalu kita ga tau apa rieza masih di Gedung Sudarto ato dia udah kabur. nah mau ga mau saya telpon dia, dan mengacaukan rencana kejutan saya sendiri. huhuhuhu. okelah dapet info, akhirnya nunggu jemputan. karena nunggunya di pinggir jalan, berkali-kali ada angkot berhenti dikira mau naik. setengah jam nunggu akhirnya datanglah dani tercinta. kami pun cipika cipiki ngobrol sana sini dan sampe ke gedung sudarto. di gedung ini udah dateng si ashar. ternyata dia bawa motor duluan. kami langsung telpon rieza buat nyari tau dimana dia. repotnya muter-muter ke sayap yang deket makam, ke belakang, muter lagi ke depan, sampe akhirnya dia bilang di parkiran yang ada gerobaknya. bulet deh! capek sih, tapi seneng juga lihat si cantik ini dandan sendiri di acara wisudaannya. inilah foto kami para murid percepatan hore yang sering kemana-mana bareng

wisuda undip
kaki udah pegel tapi senyum tetep mengembang 

anyway, Happy SKM, Rieza!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Dreaming and Final Project

한걸음 한걸음
오늘도 조심스럽게 내디뎌요
가슴 가득히 두려움과
설레임을 안은 채
비틀거리고 흔들려도
난 또 한걸음을 내디뎌요
만날 내 꿈을 향해

in english..
translate it by your self! hahahaha
i'm getting enough with the stuffs that what my environment made after this 3.5 years.. finally i found a peace times (or sometimes a lonesome times) because of this final project. to accompany my time in home, i keep replaying "Dreaming" by Kim Soo Hyun (say Kim Su Hyon not Kim So Hyun, Ok?)

I though the lyrics really describe what I feel right now. huahahahahaha.. no, i keep listening his song because admiring his voice! he's not a kpop idol (that's the main reason). sometimes i would like to watch kdrama but i hate kpop -_-

then... i should do my final project to complete my undergaraduate degree......................................
hiks.. finally i came to this point, until tears and bloods drop.. 
to support doing this final project, I'll give this blog a photo of Kim Soo Hyun (say Kim Su Hyon. Ok?)

song sam dong

with his curly long wig

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Jenis bahan jilbab selain paris

Bagi para jilbaber, menggunakan jilbab yg nyaman adalah hal yang dicari. Tidak hanya agar memenuhi syarat menutup aurat, namun bahan yang dipakai juga menyesuaikan agar tidak transparan. Biasanya para jilbaber ada yang tidak menggunakan bahan paris mengingat tingkat transparansinya lebih tinggi daripada yang lain, maka dari itu saya berikan solusi bahan selain paris
1. Hycon
Bahan ini lebih tebal & halus daripada paris. Karena halus, penggunaanya jadi cukup ribet ketika wudlu, mengingat ketika menyentuh kepala, hycon mudah tergeser. Untuk ketebalannya cukup, tidak membuat jilbaber kepanasan. Untuk pembelian, bisa dicari di pasaran. Bahan ini digunakan dahulu untuk jilbab segiempat sebelum bahan paris booming

jilbab hycon 

2. Double hycon
Salah satu brand penjual jilbab bahan ini adalah hijab alila, milik istri Ustadz Felix Siauw. Merupakan 2 bahan hycon yang ditumbuk jadi 1, kemudian dibordir di ujungnya. Untuk ketebalannya, tdk diragukan lagi mengingat hycon saja sudah agak tebal daripada paris. Harganya bisa 2x lebih mahal daripada hycon.
3. Cerruti
Bahan ini biasa digunakan para hijabers. Dalam hal anyaman benang, cerruti lebih rapat daripada paris. Bahannya juga lebih halus. Tersedia dalam 2 warna & 1 warna untuk jilbab segiempat. Varian untuk pashmina juga demikian.

jilbab cerruti

4. Sutra
Jilbab dengan jenis ini menjadi favorit yang tidak suka mengenakan jilbab ganda (seperti saya). Karena sutra memiliki kerapatan yang cukup tak tertembus cahaya. Kelemahan jilbab sutra terletak pada kehalusannya, yang mengakibatkan sulitnya menancapkan jarum pentul. Akibat lain adalah mudah berantakan, bila belum terbiasa.

jilbab sutra

5. Katun
Bahan jilbab ini menjadi favorit ukhty-ukhty dan akhwat-akhwat (bedanya apa?). Karena bahan ini sekalipun sudah disenteri juga tidak akan tembus pandang. Jilbab bahan ini sudah tersedia dalam model segiempat maupun instan

jilbab katun

6. Spandex dan kaos
Kenapa saya satukan? Karena pada umumnya jilbab spandex & kaos diproduksi dalam model instan. Belum saya temukan model yang segiempat. Spandex di pasaran memiliki panjang menutup leher. Biasanya menjadi favorit ibu-ibu (ibu saya juga). Spandex tidak transparan, juga cenderung berhias manik-manik. Inilah daya tarik bagi ibu-ibu.
Jilbab bahan kaos juga memiliki ketebalan yang paling tidak diragukan. Dipopulerkan oleh brand rabbani. Saya termasuk pengguna setia jilbab ini. Instan dan hiasan yang sederhana jadi daya tarik jilbab kaos.
Hbu? ;)

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Short visitation holiday in Gang Lombok Semarang

Engineering faculty' final term done.. Me and my mate from Environmental Engineering make a dating! Err... May be its more suitable call as an adventure in unknown region in my city. What?? City? Yes! I never live in pecinan, so I don't know how the way to ride..
Its start when we want to search tool to make reusable paper. My mate wanna make it in the KKN village. She thought we can find it in Johar Market. Then we went to there. We can't find what we want, but a seller told us that a place in pecinan sell it. So we went to there. You know what? Street way in pecinan is complicated. Once we didn't see sign at the side of street, a policeman notice us...
Lucky me. He didn't give tilang letter. We search for the way until arrived at Gang Lombok. Parking motorcycle, then looking for the shop. But.. Someone said that nobody sell what we need.
Back to Gang Lombok to took motorcycle, I spend a little time to take a picture in front of a statue. Well, I thought its a statue of Sam Poo Kong, but my mate didn't think so. She said that its a statue of the temple beside. Anyway, in the river nearby, we found a big ship. Hmm.. Its should be one of the Imlek Festival' completion.
We had an advice to go to a place named Pagoda. But I haven't pray  Ashar yet. So, my mate brought us to Paragon City to find a pray place. Its so funny to know your purpose to go to a mall is to pray. While I was praying, she bought Breadtalk..
Trip was continued.. We went to pleburan to find a late-lunch-food: Adi's culinary!!! But when arrived, its close. They said long time close. So we decided to lunch in Ramen in front of Pelangi Resto. I forgot what's the name. But its ramen is delicious. I like it.
We closed our dating by Warkoshi' sushi. And... Went home!
Here is a new statue in Gang Lombok and ramen i ate..
foto di bawah patung cheng ho

makan ramen di jalan singosari

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Kuliah Kerja Lapangan to PLN P3JB

Before going to Bali, we went to PLN P3JB for Jawa and Bali. Come to Surabaya in the early morning and get off there. We come to Mess Kesehatan to take a bath and get some sleeps. But the plan didn't flow as we expected. In that 3 a.m, I can't continue sleeping since whole night I spend in the bus. Bathing in the early morning is a bad idea ever. Finish at second round, my friends being a grooming ladies. I surprised to know that. I just brought some of my makeup stuffs, like two way cake and lipstick. But I never expect they can be that really like lady, instead of engineering student. I look at how they professionally can do makeup more more better than I am. Actually I wanna continue sleep as well as there are some bed. But with that noisy condition, I bet it will be useless.

Time flew.. We're gathered to have breakfast. Some of us take photos in front of Mess Kesehatan. We continue going to PLN P3JB. PLN is Indonesian state corporation which held electrical distribution through some transformator. Why we choose PLN P3JB? Because it's controlling our electrical source in Java - Bali Island. Regional Control Center divided in RCC Cawang, RCC Cigereleng, RCC Ungaran, RCC Waru, dan RCC Bali.

We sit in the monitoring room. Then the presentation from PLN began.
- First they show how's the job there and environment they face
- Show how to maintain voltage in Jawa Bali and its mapping
- Question Answer time!
Some of my friends which take Power as the Study Program asking. I just listen and.. Take picture! Hehehe I love most of architecture here. PLN P3JB is neat and beautiful. Especially the monitoring room. The funny moment there was I see my friends didn't listen the presentation, they're bussy. Bussy sleeping!! Even my lovely lecturer was sleeping. For your information, I have took a picture of him. I know they're too tired sleeping in the bus.

When going back to bus, I have an opportunity to get picture of flower and painting there. But, it ruins since my friends want to join in the picture. When their photoshot done, they take me to go down. Pitty me.. Beautiful stuff inside this office, I wanna took picture of them. Hmm.. May be in other opportunity, I should come there again? As director of corporation which want to have collaboration with PLN, may be?

"We can found the precious of something even in the place we never expect"

Regional Control Center

Point per network

beautiful plasterboard

another attractive glass wall

Kuliah Kerja Lapangan or Second Vacation Story to Bali!

Hey girls.. Finally after Final Test I have time to write again! This is it.. Kkl Story to Bali!
Actually I didnt enjoy Bali. Its because of difficulties looking for Masjid here. And.. Absolutely the sense of ' thousand gods'. I dont like it anymore..
First time I got there in the end of 2009. But I rather can enjoy the trip because of my chairmate whose cheer me up..
The worst fact that I should accept is... I got sick since stepping my feet there. Yeah, most of my friends go to beach in the night. But me? I just can sleep on the bed... Having influenza. Really dizzy time..
I ever slept alone in an empty bus because of ill. When woke up, nobody's around.. They're going to destination place.
But even I have so much troubles here.. I keep praying to Allah and say "subhanallah" because of the good scenery I saw. Place which I can see the highness of Allah here is.. Pandawa Beach, Legian Beach, Bedugul Lake. Not a great but its enough good to visit..

"People feel alone because of their own mindset. If they're remember Allah is near. Allah still beside. They're never worry everything will be happen."

Pandawa Beach

Sunset at Jimbaran, Bali

Cloudy at Bedugul Lake

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Experiencing a short conversation with Japanese in English

I'll continued my writing about "Meet a Japanese". Yeah short conversation. I'll not tell you our conversation detailed but some good one and.. Exactly which I still remember and he able to to answer me. I know that I have a bad english pronunciation and articulation. Judge me that I'm bad in english. But this time, I wanna help. Really.. I just follow my prophet said to guide foreigner...
Conversation begin which I know from him:
1. He's name is Yuya, Suzuki or Suzuki Yuya
Me: What's your name?
He: Yuya
Me: Your last name? (I heard japanese always have two word in their name)
He: My last name is Suzuki, like motorcycle here (pointing Honda Vario)
Me: Its not Suzuki! Its Honda! Suzuki is different one
Laughing each other. I didnt notice other passenger whose heard us.
2. He's from Toyota City whose traffic jam like Semarang
Me: We trapped in traffic jam right now. How about your country? You never get this before?
He: No, my city is toyota city, city of cars. People use cars, so the street's full of car.
Me: In japan, how people have cars? In this country, every person can has one car. For father, mother, son, daughter.
He: One family one car. Hey, you have a car?
Me: No, but I ride motorcycle. I mean the rich one family have one car for each family member
He: You should be rich to have motorcycle
Me: No, its not like that. Student in university commonly using motorcycle.
He: I dont have both motorcycle and car
3. Aiesec brought him there
He: I came here because following an AIESEC program. I back to Japan at August.
Me: (forget month) When?
He: August, its month after this month
Me: (slow loading.........) (remember month) what date will you leave Indonesia?
Really. Its embarassing to remember that even remember months, sometime i forgot what day is it. I always think everyday is the same except; birthday, new year, fasting start, iedul fitr, iedul adh, and exactly: DEADLINE!
4. Japanese culture vs Indonesian culture
Me: What experience you've got there?
He: Time is something important in my country, everyone should be discipline in time. But Indonesian always late and didn't discipline. When we has appoinment in that time, we should be on time.
Note to my self. Yuya, your sentence's slap me....
There are some conversation I've forgot. That's note about how Indonesian people should be, especially for me.
"Thanks Allah to teach me about world from people I never expect . Experience is something precious."

Malioboro Jogjakarta, My Memories

Oh I've forgot to read my trip to Jogjakarta with Forum Studi Teknik. I've resigned from that organization since the early year of 2013. And its been one year last. My memories about that trip still lies.
Hmm.. After have a short sightseeing in Taman Pintar, I continued my step to Malioboro street! Everytime I go to Yogyakarta, people always suggest to visit Malioboro..without particular reason I follow their advice. Buy something, didn't satisfied. Come to jogja, doing it again. Looping.
Here we come! Malioboro but.. Not only about market:
(ps: sorry for bad image quality, I took it while walking)

gedung bank indonesia

Monumen serangan umum 1 maret

benteng vredeburg
benteng vredeburg dari parkiran

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Meet A Japanese

At july 2013, I met a japanese. Here is the story.
I wake up tirelessly in the morning. Deadline lies ahead. After bathing, I open my laptop doing tasks. Hours left. Unconsciously, I slept!!! Whoa!!! I have class in 30 minutes later ~
I prepare my self hurry and search public transportation. In the middle of journey, I saw a boy which search public transportation to Undip. Well, I guess he's a domestic tourist whom face like a Indonesian chinese ethnic. Nonsense. When arrived at end of public transportation way, he looked like look for something. I encourage my self to ask.
Me : "Mau kemana?"
He : "Undip Semarang" (foreign articulation)
Me : "Whoa~ You are a foreigner?"
He : "Yeah...... (i forgot what he said)"
Me : "What country you lived before?" (okay, its lame. I'm nervous and talk randomly)
He : "Do you mean 'Where are you come from?'"
Me : "Ah! Yeah!"
He : "I am from Toyota City, Japan"
Then... conversation begin. I speak English to a Japanese. Really bad english. Actually I thought he was from Singapore before. He tell me everything why he's in Indonesia and in this public transportation. I wonder.. How could a foreigner going somewhere without guidance from his housefam? Its like letting a chicken little to a forest without its mother..
"Remember a verse in Alquran which told us to protect a foreigner until they back to their country, even if they have different beliefs and religions with us."

Birthday Prize of 20th years old

"Happy birthday! Barokalloh"
Some of facebook friends write on my wall.
2013, i arrived at my 21th years living in this earth. I've change a lot since graduated from high school. I've been trying to be a real woman. And still processing...
This birthday, I ain't wishing something great. None of birthday cake like years before. None of family gathering and pray together. I just celebrated it with my crush. Have a "what you wanna eat dinner".
Yeah, just with a person..
It's not because I planned like this. But, I was trapped in a strict deadline in my university. So much to did. Big responsibility.
Days after my birthday, a high school best friend chatted me via line:
Her : where's your address?
Me : (writing address). What will you do? sending an invitation?
Her : Yeah
Me : whats invitation? You wanna be engaged?
Her : is it arrived?
Me : what? Your invitation? Hey, don't say you'll married soon..
Days gone. I'm wondering.. How could my best friend wanna engaged soon never told me. And... She's younger than me. 20 years old!
Some days, I got a texting from unknown number :
Please send your full address. We will send you a package; a shoes, from (my best friend name)
What? Shoes? I remembered that days after my birthday, I ever ask her to accompany me to buy shoes. Then we both getting busy. She sent me this.. Thank you dear... This isn't enough to reply all of your kindness since we met.
"You don't always know what the future come. Keep smiling to the world because future is and past time is far".
my lovely prize

it comes from this box